
Russian education conference bringing together founders for Coursera, EdX and Kadenze. Ajay to speak about how building KarmetiK Robots led to building a system for adaptive online learning for Kadenze.com.

NIME Keynote

New Interfaces for Musical Expression in Korea host Bill Verplank and Ajay Kapur as Keynotes in 2013

TEDx CalArts

This conference explores how new understandings of performance and liveness are radically changing our experience of art, technology, culture, and politics. Ajay Kapur premieres “The Magic Conductor”.

Rabbit in the Moon

Featuring: Ajay Kapur & Raakhi Kapur; World Premiere of the new KarmetiK Korean Interfaces including eHaegum, eJanggu, and the ZiOm. In Collaboration with the Seoul Institute of the Arts.

Decoding Dreams

Featuring: Karmeron Chirstopher, Jon He, Jason Jahnke, Raphael Arar, Jeff Bryant, Nick Suda, Gabriel Rey-Goodlatte, Jim Murphy,Bridget Johnson & Ajay Kapur


Directed by: Ajay Kapur, Michael Darling, Raakhi Kapur & Jason Jahnke

KarmetiK at Pulse 2012

Ajay Kapur, Owen Vallis, Jordan Hochenbaum, Mohammad Zareei, Colin Honigman, David Howe, Raakhi Kapur, Michael Darling