2019 | 2018

San Francisco’s Upcoming Art and Technology Fair Will Debut the First-Ever Porsche Art Media Installation
artnet News - April 19, 2018

Kadenze Press: From Music Robots to building a MOOC platform for Arts Education
Read media coverage on how building musical robots led to the worlds first MOOC dedicated to Art, Music, Design and Creative Education. June 2015 - Feb 2018

Apple and the Rise of the Machines: Don’t worry, they’re just here to rock
TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog) - (USA) - January 2010

California Institute of the Arts Orchestra has Robot Musicians
Huffington Post - (USA) - May 13, 2011

Robots Get Their Groove On In a CA Orchestra
Associated Press Printed in The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Atlanta Constitution, Austin American Statesman, Seattle Post Intelligencer, Toronto Sun, Orlando Sentinel, Seattle Times, San Diego Union, the Marin Independent Journal - (USA) - May 13, 2011

KarmetiK, la orquesta donde los robots también improvisan
BBC Mundo - (Latin America) - June 7, 2011